Konsumsi Mie Instan. Pola Makan Tidak Sehat
Instant Noodles
Guys, We've to know about this..!
The secret behind the
advertisements and packs of instant noodles
Noodles ads on television showing the habits of eating instant noodles with additional menu items such as chicken, fish, eggs, spinach, carrots, and peas. On noodle packages also contained a picture presentation of noodles with a menu before.So is this simply attract attention?Of course not.
According to a clinical nutritionist, JuniartaAlidjaja, most
people who eat instant noodles without offset of fiber potential health problems.
This is because the noodles contain simple carbohydrates, fats, and high sodium
content. For example, obesity, blood sugar levels rise, rise in blood pressure
and other bodies.
of protein can also get if the added products such as eggs, fish, tempeh, meat
etc. .. One serving of instant noodles, amounting to 80 grams can contribute to
an energy of 400 kcal, which is about 20% of total daily energy requirement
(2,000 kcal). Energiyang donated from oil amounted to about 170-200 kcal.
Another thing to realize is that less oil content in instant noodles that can
reach 30% of dry weight. It needs to watch out for people with obesity or those
who are undergoing weight-loss program.
It turned out that instant noodles are not just a lack of
nutritional content, but also be detrimental to health for those who ate one of
them according to doctors instant noodles cause cancer, it is caused by a waxy
substance as a mixture of instant noodle-making function for instant noodles
are not sticky when cooked. Although the results of POM research issues that
have wax in instant noodles isnotistatedicorrectly.
Further information also gives a warning to those who suffer
from hypertension,iulcers,iandiautism.
Sodium has a less beneficial effect for patients with ulcer and
hypertension. For patients with ulcers, a high sodium content will neutralize
the stomach, the stomach will secrete more acid to digest food. State of high
stomach acid would result in erosion of the stomach wall and cause the pain.
Whereas for patients with hypertension, the sodium will increase blood pressure
due to an imbalance between sodium and potassium (Na and K) in the blood and
However, the nature of the carbohydrates in different noodle
properties contained in the rice. Most of the carbohydrates in rice is a
complex carbohydrate that gives the effect of satiety longer. While
carbohydrates in instant noodles is more simple that is easily absorbed.
Consequently, the effect of instant noodles hungry faster.
This is Video about how to cook instant noodles correctly from my group:
Video Created by SHOFI and FRIENDS.=)